Category: sunday sketches

  • Sunday Sketches – Watercolour pencil becomes watercolour paint

    Sunday Sketches – Watercolour pencil becomes watercolour paint

    When I came to do the red centres of the flowers (around the yellow eye), I had to switch from watercolour pencil to watercolour paint because as with my pastel sticks, my red watercolour pencils are annoyingly hard and often scratch the surface of the paper. Do any of you ever encounter this problem? I…

  • Sunday Sketches – Red Parrot Pea

    Sunday Sketches – Red Parrot Pea

    I don’t have a completed piece for Sunday Sketches this week. What I do have to show you here is a work-in-progress watercolour pencil experiment.

  • Sunday Sketches – Seascape

    Sunday Sketches – Seascape

    There is no official Sunday Sketches this week, but I’ve done one anyway, so I’m going to post it. Drop by at Blue Chair Diary for some great Sunday Sketches in the future.

  • Sunday Sketches – Concept drawings

    Sunday Sketches – Concept drawings

    I’ve been building a universe to support a sketchy plot I have. The main star is a human, but the co-star is an alien and when I started profiling him, I found I needed a much clearer picture in my head as to what he might look like. So I got out my sketchbook and…

  • Sunday Sketches – KJ

    Sunday Sketches – KJ

    This week for Sunday Sketches, I decided to crank up my portraiture skills. I then promptly found I didn’t really have any and that I really need to practise more.

  • Sunday Sketches – Blue poison dart frog

    Sunday Sketches – Blue poison dart frog

    This week I specifically wanted to do something just for Sunday Sketches. Prior to this I’ve only really submitted half hearted scrawls and whatever I had in my sketchbook from the previous week’s work. This time I wanted to do a real sketch. Just sit down and draw, something I haven’t done in ages.

  • Sunday Sketches from the week of funk

    Sunday Sketches from the week of funk

    I’ve only got dud sketches for this week’s Sunday Sketches. Last week was a funk week so very little was done. First up we have an attempt to answer last week’s Illustration Friday prompt of ‘deja-vu’. I had a concept, but my brain wouldn’t supply me with an image to fully communicate what I was…

  • Illustration Friday, Sunday Sketches and AEDM

    So do you think I have enough challenges tied into this post? ::grin:: Don’t worry, I have a piece for each as today was a good art day. Exhilaration, acrylic on board, approx. 300 x 300 mm. Savour the exhilaration. ‘Savour’ is the challenge word this week over at Illustration Friday. All I could think…

  • Sunday Sketches

    The wonderful Kristin Dudish suggested I have a go at the Sunday Sketches Challenge. So I dug out my sketch book and have some of my not so hot sketches to share. I promise in the future to actually do something constructive for this challenge. I did scribble down Frenken Furter for the challenge, a…