Category: paint party friday

  • Glowing objects and rainbows

    Just a short quick one from me today. I’ve been arting the last few days quite a bit and wanted to share with you some of my WIPs.

  • The squid report – making progress

    Life has been busy of late, but there has been art. There have also been business developments, a piece of artwork I can’t share as I’ve submitted it to a competition, and various explorations in both bubblepainting and Pollock-esque paint delivery. More on those later, but now…The Squid Report!

  • Colour, colour everywhere

    An art book recommendation, a watercolour palette, a new painting, a thunderstorm encounter and inspiring sea glass. It has been an interesting week.

  • Still squidding

    The other arty thing that happened this week was me being suddenly struck by an undefined inspiration that ended up with my youngest daughter falling off the couch.

  • The Squid Report

    It has been a week of calamari here in my studio. All other projects have been suspended by my current obsession with this giant squid painting.

  • An arty week with a giant squid

    Met an artist, listened to an illustrator, ate dinner with an arty friend, received an arty book and painted a giant squid. Yeah, a very arty week.

  • Spring has sprung paint

    It is so wonderful to have some sunny weather to paint in. Last weekend I grabbed my acrylics and set up on the back porch and threw together to beginnings of a randomish painting (mainly because the canvas I’m using has a thread pull in it and I had to wait for the other two…

  • Paper and Jewels mosaic completed!

    It is final. It is complete (well, except for its second coat of varnish which I will do today). My first paper and jewels mosaic is done!

  • Masking fluid experiments

    Earlier this year I was introduced to the concept of an art journal. I’ve kept sketchbooks of my work all my life, but art journalling is slightly different. In March I started a journal of my own. A simple cheap bound sketchbook that within its pages I have permission to royally stuff up with abandon.…

  • Burning wood

    So would you believe that I actually did some art at the hairdressers on Tuesday? I now have purple hair and a painting to show for it. Yes, I took my iPad to the hairdressers. Getting colour put in my hair takes ages and I bore easily, so between writing some copy for work and…