Category: pastel

  • P is for Passion (and Pastels)

    How do you describe passion in art? How do you see it in a work? It is easy for me to see in writing. The words grab you and sweep you off to the world they are weaving…but art…how do I put passion into my art?

  • Paint Party Friday – Pastels last Saturday

    Paint Party Friday – Pastels last Saturday

    I am so art deprived at the moment. Art neglected, blog neglected, real life eating me alive. However, my sister kidnapped me and my eldest daughter last Saturday and locked us all in a room with some cheap art supplies and made us create. This is what I came up with.

  • Paint Party Friday – Pastel frangipanis

    Paint Party Friday – Pastel frangipanis

    After a nasty week involving sick children, sick hubby, sick sister and sick me, I am slowly surfacing back into the real world. Very little art was done this week. Very little of anything was done this week. But on Monday, before the worst of it hit, I had a short time to play with…

  • Creative Every Day – Wreath Wattle 2

    Creative Every Day – Wreath Wattle 2

    I have to make more of an effort to do artwork every day. I’m finding that I’m blogging every day, but not so much doing the art I want to blog about, so, uh, yeah, I need to rewire my working schedule. The Creative Every Day challenge has helped me out a lot in the…

  • How I learnt portraiture – Inspiration Point

    How I learnt portraiture – Inspiration Point

    I’m a Star Trek fan. Trekkie, Trekker, odd-ball and nerd, I’m a fan of the original 1965 television show, Star Trek. I have a book collection, a comic collection, all the films and television episodes on DVD with several documentaries kept on good ol’ VHS. I have a model of two different Enterprises on my…

  • Spectrum Square – Dark Red results and a new colour

    Spectrum Square – Dark Red results and a new colour

    So how did you go? Are there lots of red artworks out there? I hope so 😀 To submit your work to the challenge, either upload your art to the brand new Spectrum Square Flickr group, or add a link in the comments section of this post. Then we can all bask in the glory…

  • Art Not-Quite-Every Day Month & Drawing Lab Challenge results – catch up week

    Okay, I blew it today. Busy all day, visitors, a trip to the doc’s for Izzy (she’s fine), and I traded my last little bit of doodle time for a shower. I did start a doodle, but barely had time to do anything and I’m exhausted. So no art today 🙁 So, why am I…

  • Soft pastel experiment

    As some of you know, I’ve been playing around with my soft pastels since I started this blog back in June. I had great fun with them during the Creative Color Challenge, and although I’ve been playing with my pencils lately with the Silly Workshop, they have been in the back of my mind most…

  • Finally finished artwork

    Tree of Cyclones, approx. 750 x 550 mm, soft pastel on black pastel paper I started this piece just before the Creative Colour Challenge started and has been on hold for over a month.  Today my wonderful Hubby took little Izzy for me for most of the day and I was able to finish it. …

  • The Creative Color Challenge #3 – Turquoise

    By Moonlight, 420mm x 230mm, Soft pastel & charcoal on black pastel paper I had decided on this subject before the challenge had even been announced. I had been watching a David Attenborough documentary and thought fish might be an interesting topic to play with as scales can be mesmerising (and time consuming, though they…