Month: September 2011

  • Mixed media – paint and beads

    Mixed media – paint and beads

    I haven’t had much time this week (story of my life on all fronts), but I have done a little work on KJ’s accordian book. The insides have been started and I have continued working on the covers, for the first time truly branching into mixed media as I’ve added some beads.

  • Interesting painting technique

    Interesting painting technique

    Inspirational painting technique.

  • This Day

    This Day.

  • Hoonhilda


    Trying to get back into the habit of answering challenges (they give so much inspiration and have me doing things I would never have thought of otherwise). I discovered Got an Inkling over at Dthaase’s site today and was immediately inspired. Great challenge that one. So I scribbled down a sketch to answer that and…

  • Handmade accordian books

    Handmade accordian books

    I’ve found a new interest – handmade books. In particular, for the moment, accordian books. Along side this discovery I’ve also discovered handcarved stamps and heavily layered work (something I’ve admired a lot recently, but haven’t really tried much myself).