Month: December 2010
Paper mosaic experiments
Motion, paper mosaic and acrylic, approx. 480 x 370 mm. This is what happens when you experiment. You never quite know what you’re going to end up with. This one is slightly weird. I could have added more to it, but it had such a sense of motion to it that I stopped in case…
Flying Spark
Do you have trouble finding inspiration some days? Any word, object or emotion can spark a masterpiece, but sometimes it is really hard to locate a place to start, a focus that can sharpen your mind in a productive direction. The Flying Spark offers a daily challenge to set you on a path to find…
Drawing Lab challenge #10
Speaking of eyeballing… This is the tenth challenge post for the Drawing Lab Challenge. Grab your copy of ‘Drawing lab for mixed media artists: 52 creative exercises to make drawing fun‘ and join us as we tackle the book together. Details of the challenge and joining can be found here. This week the challenge is……
Drawing Lab challenge #9 results – scribbles
I thought this one would be easy, and while technically it was, I’m not sure I’ve actually done it the right way. I had a great deal of trouble discerning between scribble and sketching and I think pretty much all my drawings leant towards the latter. First up I thought I’d play with my gel…
Painting experiments – Caught
Caught, acrylic, watercolour pencil and gel pen, approx. 265 x 195 mm. Here you go. My attempt to create a painting from this. I love bits of it, other bits, not so much, but hey, it’s only an experiment 😀 So Christie, you scored 😀 It was a fish I had in mind. It would…
What can you see? – painting experiments continued
Furthering on my experiments from here, here and here…what can you see? I know what I can see and what I’m going to add to it as soon as I can, but I’m interested in what other artists might see. This is the beauty of experimentation, you never quite know what is around the corner.…
Sunday Sketches – Balloons
Dreams of Balloons, acrylic, watercolour pencil and gel pen on illustration board, approx. 250 x 200 mm Still more experimenting with paints in line with yesterday’s post. I was mesmerised by this idea the moment I saw it in the paint. It has it’s faults, but I’m happy with the movement. Since I spent a…
Drawing Lab challenge #9
Now for some fun…(sorry it is a day late) This is the nineth challenge post for the Drawing Lab Challenge. Grab your copy of ‘Drawing lab for mixed media artists: 52 creative exercises to make drawing fun‘ and join us as we tackle the book together. Details of the challenge and joining can be found…
Dream, Acrylic, pen and gel pen on illustration board, approx. 200mm x 250mm. The experiment from the previous post? Now a completed painting. The scan seems to have obliterated most of the stars. Right down the centre of the piece is a spray of stars in yellow and white. What do you think? Not quite…
More painting experiments
Everything seemed to come to a screeching halt when Art Every Day Month ended. There I was chuffing along churning out art, and I suddenly stopped. Didn’t feel like it anymore. So I’ve taken a few days, reoriented, and given myself a new target, one I had set up before the challenge started,…