Month: September 2010
An inspiring moment
Several years ago hubby and I went on holiday to Port Lincoln. On one of the days we were there, we went to Lincoln National Park. On that particular day the weather turned a little wintry. It was Spring and Port Lincoln sits out on the very end of a southern peninsula, cutting into the…
When first entered the creative blogosphere a few months ago, I almost immediately stumbled across Carla Sonheim . Not so much herself, but her book, ‘Drawing lab: 52 creative exercises to make drawing fun’. It was all the buzz amongst arty bloggers and it caught my curiosity. I now have a copy in my grotty…
Inspired maybe?
After spending my ten minutes drawing my stag beetle and then dashing off to attend to Izzy, I was left with a feeling of incompleteness. This feeling only intensified when I started looking at what the other participants in the workshop had come up with according to the same instructions. I was a little flabbergasted.…
Finally finished artwork
Tree of Cyclones, approx. 750 x 550 mm, soft pastel on black pastel paper I started this piece just before the Creative Colour Challenge started and has been on hold for over a month. Today my wonderful Hubby took little Izzy for me for most of the day and I was able to finish it. …
Sunset Falling
Sunset Falling, Deviant Art Muro, by mouse on lounge chair arm Just a quick last minute scribble for the Creative Color Challenge #5 – Lavender Purple. It certainly came out more purple than I expected, and oddly watercolourish. This was one of those paintings that evolved as I painted. I started with the idea of…
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon, DeviantArt Muro, by mouse, lounge chair arm, very, very rushed and unfinished There’s a long story behind this one. I think it is jinxed. Those of you who follow me on Facebook would have seen my many exclamationed post a few days back where I declared I had just lost an entire piece…