Category: mixed media mosaics

  • More paper mosaics



    I started this week with a lot of energy, but full time and above working wore me down, so my current work in progress hasn’t progressed since the beginning of the week ๐Ÿ™ And it won’t progress much over the weekend either as I’m working both days. But! I have Tuesday off and there will…

  • Exploring paper mosaics

    Exploring paper mosaics



    I had a great day today. I held a paper mosaics workshop at Goodwood Library. Eleven eager artists attended and had a good time. I gave a quick rundown on tools and materials and let them have at it ๐Ÿ˜€ It was great fun to see the different interpretations and experimenting going on and I…

  • Big news!



    I’ve been busy…setting up shop!

  • Izzy’s Rainbow complete!



    I’m so happy! Third Piece a Week completed!

  • Flying Spark – Artful Creations Days 11 & 12

    Flying Spark – Artful Creations Days 11 & 12



    I love one word challenges. They can take me just about anywhere and have me creating just about anything. The Flying Spark is a daily word to do just that. Every day, using Twitter, there will be a word to spark inspiration. It appears here on this blog to the right top, or you can…

  • Paper and Jewels mosaic completed!



    It is final. It is complete (well, except for its second coat of varnish which I will do today). My first paper and jewels mosaic is done!

  • Hot wind completed



    Mother’s Day 2011 – my present was to be allowed to paint all day. It was a beautifully sunny day, so I set up my easel outside and did just that. The uncompleted painting that resulted has been sitting around my studio ever since. A few weeks back I decided it was time to finish…

  • Paper and Jewels mosaic still continued



    There has been more progress with my paper and jewels mosaic and some discoveries on other art fronts, while battling the mid winter scourge.

  • A new paper mosaic in preparation



    The sun is desperately trying to make its presecence felt here. Winter is starting to take its leave, the acacias are flowering, the almond blossoms are out, and there is this subtle feeling in the weather of the coming change. So there are short periods of sun between the dank and grey and I’ve been…

  • Paper and jewels mosaic continued



    Bit by little bit my jewel and paper mosaic is coming together. I have no plan and am really just putting pieces down where I feel like it and apart from one wonky swirl, I think it is going really well. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying doing this in my lounge in front of the TV.