Category: mixed media

  • Sofie the Mermaid complete!

    Day 3 of 30 Days of Creativity and I have finally completed my eldest daughter’s mermaid painting!

  • Unknown expression

    I have to say that I don’t think I’ll get 29 faces done, but for what I do get done, it has been a valuable exercise. I have at least one painting in mind from one of the sketches and another proved to me that I actually know more about faces than I thought I…

  • Monthly Painters Challenge – Opposite colours

    I entered a new challenge this month, the Monthly Painters’ Challenge over on Facebook. I was honoured to have been accepted into it in April and I spent most of the month pondering exactly what I was going to do for it. The challenge was ‘Opposite Colours’, and my initial thought involved a few creatures…

  • J is for Jewels

    J is for Jewels

    Jewels, glass beads, rhinestones or whatever you would like to call little bits of shiny glass, they are something I’ve had a recent interest in gluing to my artwork. It started with a handmade book I made for my eldest daughter.

  • You are loved – work-in-progress for Paint Party Friday

    You are loved – work-in-progress for Paint Party Friday

    Ah, it has been so long since I had something to share with on Paint Party Friday. But this week, I’ve rediscovered my arty mojo and have dived back in. So I have a work-in-progress to share.

  • Mixed media – paint and beads

    Mixed media – paint and beads

    I haven’t had much time this week (story of my life on all fronts), but I have done a little work on KJ’s accordian book. The insides have been started and I have continued working on the covers, for the first time truly branching into mixed media as I’ve added some beads.